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Event Date | Tue Oct 11 EDT (over 2 years ago) |
Location | Webinar |
Region | All |
Reporting accurate information on Schedule RC-C and other loan-related schedules is one of the biggest challenges in call reporting. Coding loans correctly at origination is crucial to ensuring loans are included in the correct Call Report categories. This session will highlight common mistakes in coding loans, including what constitutes a loan secured by real estate, and how to determine owner-occupied versus non-owner-occupied loans. Other reporting challenges will be highlighted, including non-accrual loans, TDRs, and maturity and repricing data. The basics of Schedules RC-C and RC-N and reporting allowance for loan loss activity on Schedules RI-B and RI-C will also be covered.
2022 Speakers
Michael Gordon
Partner, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC
Kris Trainor
Partner, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC