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Event Date | Thu Feb 18 EST (about 4 years ago) |
Location | Virtual |
Region | All |
The Canadian Virtual Sell Your Business Conference is designed for business owners who are thinking about transitioning their business, or are in the process of doing so. Hear about hot industry topics live from industry leaders, connect with industry leading speakers and other business owners personally over video, visit different stages, sessions, and expo booths, and more. It's a live event experience - virtually.
2021 Speakers and Moderator
Marc Belaiche
President, TorontoJobs.ca - Opening Comments
Mark Borkowski
President, Mercantile Mergers & Acquisitions Corporation - “Buying or Selling a Mid-Market Company”
Doug Robbins
President and Founder, Robbinex
Marc Belaiche
President, TorontoJobs.ca
2021 Supporters
• TorontoJobs.ca
• Toronto Entrepreneurs Conference
• EventLogik
• TE Capital
• Robbinex
• Mercantile Mergers & Acquisitions Corporation