Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana
Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana , Castille, Casa Leone, Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana Triq Sarria, Il-Furjana, Malta

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Event Date Mon Oct 9 BST - Tue Oct 10 BST (about 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Mon Oct 9 12:00am - Tue Oct 10 12:00am
Location Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana
Castille, Casa Leone, Pjazza Robert Sammut, Floriana Triq Sarria, Il-Furjana, Malta
Region EMEA

The workshop is about the following issues:

Systematically determine the operating and financial strength of a company. Linking operational and financial issues gives a strong analysis and protection against unreliable financials and weak business plans. Finally, the participants will be able to judge level & predictability of future cash flows and to assess a risk rating by hand.
Help the borrower to set reasonable goals in terms of financial condition and growth and selecting a strategy when a borrower is facing financial difficulties.
Give clear conclusions and recommendations to credit committees and management.


2017 Speakers

Erik de Jong
has worked for 22 years with ING Bank in the area of credit risk management as full time trainer, manager and analyst. Currently he is a freelance trainer. His goal is not only to improve participants’ skills, but also to increase their enthusiasm about their job by using inspiring cases.