Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Wed Apr 3 BST (almost 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Apr 3 3:00am - Wed Apr 3 12:00pm |
Location |
Deanes Love Fish
28-40 Howard St, Belfast BT1 6PF, UK |
Region | EMEA |
Exclusive network for mid-tier companies with a turnover above £5m, aimed at helping them to grow their business through key insights from industry experts and shared peer-to-peer learning.
MSB Network is designed for CBI member companies who are on a clear strategic growth path; from ambitious and confident firms driving into the mid-market, through to successful mid-market firms who continually champion innovation and competitiveness.
Why attend?
• High level networking with senior business leaders - share best practice with your peers
• Expert led discussion that considers ‘the business impact’
• Practical takeaways which can be implemented into your business
• Opportunity to address the key issues and challenges affecting your industry – wide range of themes covered, including reaching overseas markets, finance for sustainable growth, boost productivity through innovation
2019 Speakers
Matthew Fell
Chief UK Policy Director, CBI
2019 Partners