London, England

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Event Date Thu May 4 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu May 4 12:00am - Thu May 4 12:00am
Location London, England
Region EMEA

CILA is one of the pre-eminent events in the annual Life calendar. This event is one of the most popular in the Life, often drawing over 200 delegates.
Chaired in 2017 by Andrew Chamberlain, Life Board chair, the programme this year features a timely mix of hot topics including sessions on:
IFRS update and panel session
Liquidity risk: the insurance industry’s elephant in the room.
Enhancing investment strategy; issues and opportunities in the current investment climate
The future of retirement products, featuring several short product focussed presentations and a high profile panel
The Breakdown of Society…by past and projected mortality experience
Private Credit Investment for Insurers - Meeting the Regulatory Requirements
Brexit/Solvency II session or With-Profits session - TBC
Professionalism session
There will be a focus on key regulatory changes, practitioners sharing their experiences on working in a Solvency II environment, key insights into the future of investment and Life products, and a Professional Skills session.


Speakers for 2017

Andrew Chamberlain,

Steven Baxter,
Hymans Robertson

Alice Woolley,

Karen Brolly or
Elaine Murphy,
Hymans Robertson

Gregg McClymont,
Aberdeen Asset Mgr
Sandy Trust,
Grant Thornton

Ben Grainger and
Ryan Allison EY

Iain Forrester,
Standard Life Investments

Richard Oslwang,

Richard Crooks,

Kirsty Ward,

Nick Walker,

Richard Galbraith,
Aviva and
Neil Hilary,