Convene, 16 West Adams Street - Chicago, IL, USA

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Event Date Tue Mar 12 CST (almost 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Mar 12 10:00am - Tue Mar 12 7:00pm
Location Convene
16 West Adams Street - Chicago, IL, USA
Region Americas

A forum for innovative IT thought leaders in Chicago

Despite the economic downturn freezing or cutting budgets and yielding a slow recovery, businesses are regaining strength and global IT spending is expected to increase in the coming years. But even with an economic upturn on the horizon and more importance placed on IT, we arent out of the woods yet. The role of the CIO is more important than ever as financial turmoil continues to alter the world's economy, making it difficult to put your organization in a position to achieve success. The business goals have changed and CIOs are now tasked with trying to find emerging opportunities to drive value throughout the enterprise.

We're in a historic transition - one marked by challenges, but filled with possibility. Preparing for the upturn and making the right decisions in times of change can better position your enterprise to succeed. Accordingly, the theme of this year's summit is CIOs in Transition - The Shift from Cost-Saver to Value Provider.
The CIO Chicago Summit is a unique opportunity for the citys greatest IT thinkers to collaborate on current industry challenges and trends. Attending CIOs and IT executives engage in peer-on-peer networking, while discussing the issues currently affecting CIOs from a variety of industries.

As an IT leader in Chicago, now is the time to produce real business value for your organization. We at CDM Media know that in order for you to take time out of the office, it must be time well spent. The CIO Chicago Summit agenda offers a balanced schedule of focused educational sessions, one-on-one meetings and networking opportunities that will maximize your time and efforts, providing you with ideas and strategies truly capable of changing business practices.


2019 Speakers

Steve Rubinow
President, Infocology Inc.

David Moschella
Research Fellow, Leading Edge Forum

Jack Garland
Vice President, Card Application Development, Discover Financial

Neil Bahroos
Chief Data Officer, Shirley Ryan Ability Lab

Matt Weber
Regional Sales Manager, Capriza

Venu Yalavarthi
Global Head of Enterprise Architecture, Ingredion

Mark Polimus
Solutions Architect, Equinix

Nalini Polavarapu
Head of Data Science Strategy, Bayer CropScience

Steve Rubinow
President, Infocology Inc

Ruben Chacon
CISO, Constellation Brands

Vince Fattore
CIO, Temperature Equipment Corporation

Mohammed Dastagir
Chief Technology Officer, Sears Holdings Corporation

Rob Ortiz
Director of Artificial Intelligence, Keyence

Varun Ebenezer
Vice President Senior IT Audit, BMO Financial

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Partners

• Oasis
• CIO Review