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Event Date |
Wed Jul 31 PDT (over 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Jul 31 7:00pm - Thu Aug 1 12:00am |
Location |
721 NW 9th Ave #200, Portland, OR 97209, USA |
Region | Americas |
The Inner Circle is offered exclusively to CIOs, CISOs and senior IT executives from the largest organizations in our region. The evening format inspires targeted conversations around compelling business and leadership topics.
This private, invitation-only dinner features roundtable seating for small group collaboration, offering CIOs and CISOs the opportunity to network with an influential gathering of IT and security executives in a dynamic, recurring format.
2019 Speakers
Brian Abrahamson
CIO, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Anja Canfield-Budde
Associate Vice President, Information Management, University of Washington
Darren Challey
CISO, Amazon Fulfillment & Operations, Amazon
Dave Estlick
CISO, Starbucks Coffee Company
Paul Moulton
EVP & CIO, Costco Wholesale Corporation
Jeffrey Baer
CTO, City of Portland
Tamara Barr
VP IS/CIO, Continental Mills, Inc.
John Bartho
CIO, Hyster-Yale
Saad Bashir
CTO, City of Seattle
Lutz Beck
CIO, Daimler Trucks North America
Ben Berry
EVP of IT & CIO, Bonneville Power Administration
Mike Chill
CIO, Johnstone Supply
Jesper Frederiksen
VP CIO, Mars
Casey Hossa
Sr. Vice President and Chief Information Officer, MultiCare
Syed Hussain
CIO, Oregon Lottery
Charu Jain
VP & CIO, Alaska Air Group, Inc.
Les Johnson
SVP, IT & CIO, North Coast Electric Company
Kirk Kelly
CIO, Portland State University
John Kochavatr
SVP & CIO, Portland General Electric Company
Chuck Lanham
VP Information Technology / CIO, Western Washington University
Gary Leaf
CIO, King County Housing Authority
Bob Leek
CIO, Multnomah County Oregon
Lily Ley
Duane Massie
Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc.
Matt Modarelli
CIO & Director, IT, Washington State Department of Transportation
B.J. Moore
Executive VP & CIO, Providence St. Joseph Health
Tom Morgan
CIO, Boeing Employees' Credit Union
Carl Paschke
CIO, Savers
Harish Rao
Director, Business Analytics & Information Management, Boeing
Elisabeth Richard
Laurent Rotival
SVP, Strategic Technology Solutions & CIO, Cambia Health Solutions
Daric Schweikart
VP & CIO, Flow International Corporation
Sue Taylor
Chief Information Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Chris Van Liew
Vice President, CIO, Seattle University
Ravi Waran
VP & CIO, Clearwater Paper Corporation
James Weaver
CIO, State of Washington
Will Weider
SVP & CIO, PeaceHealth
Lisa Wernli
EVP & CIO, Car Toys, Inc.
Dan Willey
CIO, Wilbur Ellis Company
Don Wolff
Chief Technology Officer, Portland Public Schools
Tim Bowersock
VP, Information Security Compliance, Costco Wholesale Corporation
Jeff Brausieck
Cyber Security Program Manager / Strategic Advisor, Seattle City Light
Bob Bruns
CIO & CISO, Avanade Inc.
Ronald Buchanan
CISO, State of Washington
Kelli Burns
CISO & AVP, Symetra
Nathaniel Callens
CISO, Alaska Air Group, Inc.
Jonathan Cannon
Jerry Cochran
CISO, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Alex Di Giacomo
CISO, Sound Transit
Julie Ellis
VP, Information Security Architecture, The Walt Disney Company
Jim Gibson
Director, IT Security, Weyerhaeuser Company
Chris Grant
Senior Director ISO, Fred Hutch
Jesper Johansson
CISO, GoDaddy.com
Rich Kellen
CISO, Qorvo, Inc.
William Lidster
Manager of Information Security and Compliance, AAA Washington
Will Longman
Chief Information Security Officer, Blue Origin
Charles Markarian
Theresa Masse
Information Security Officer, Port of Portland
Sean Murphy
VP, CISO, Boeing Employees Credit Union
Jessica Odom
Information Security Officer, Lewis & Clark College
Steve Person
CISO, Cambia Health Solutions
Ben Smith
CISO, MultiCare Health System
Irwan Tjan
CISO, Nordstrom, Inc.
Dennis Tomlin
CISO, Multnomah County Oregon
Andrew Whitaker
CISO, City of Seattle
Dave Wolf
VP & CISO, Washington Federal, Inc.
John Bartho
CIO, Hyster-Yale
Lutz Beck
CIO, Daimler Trucks North America
John Kochavatr
SVP & CIO, Portland, General Electric Company
Bob Leek
CIO, Multnomah County Oregon
Dennis Tomlin
CISO, Multnomah County Oregon
2019 Sponsors
• Citrix
• Digital Shadows