TBA, London

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Wed May 18 BST (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue May 17 7:00pm - Tue May 17 7:00pm
Location TBA
Region EMEA

Join Cambridge Cleantech and Oxfordshire Greentech for a day of networking for innovators and investors in person on the 18th, and listen to expert talks, top innovative pitches, and meet investors looking for climate-positive solutions online on the 19th.

Innovative Ideas
Building on a 15-year record of successful Cleantech Venture Days in London and Helsinki, we are once again teaming up to bring this world-class pitching and investment event to you, in a new digital format.

Thought Provoking Agenda
Listen to inspiring keynote speakers and innovative pitches from investment-ready cleantech start-ups. View the full agenda here.

Who Should Attend?
The event will bring together innovative cleantech companies with experienced fund managers, business angels and corporate investors. If you’re looking for world-class deals in cleantech, this event is for you.

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Partners

• Choose Paris Region
• Clean Growth
• Taylor Wessing
• OG Oxfordshire GreenTech
• Business Isle of Man
• Ja.Kemp
• Kiss
• Yangzhou Innovation Certer
• Birketts
• S-Tech