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Event Date Thu Apr 7 UTC (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Apr 6 8:00pm - Wed Apr 6 8:00pm
Location Online
Region All

We look forward to welcoming our expert panel to speak on this topic.

This session will provide an introduction, before concentrating on the key areas that firms should be considering at this stage. What should you be thinking about now? The session should provide you with practical takeaways to help you and your firm prepare, as well as address the potential challenges and pitfalls to mitigate for.

This session is brought to you by the CISI Scotland Branch Committee.


2022 Speakers

James Heaney
Senior Consultant, Baringa

Jo Cordner
Regulatory Risk and Compliance Consulting, Baringa

Sandy Hoyland
Chartered FCSI, Senior Manager, Regulatory Risk