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Event Date Tue Jun 27 BST (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Jun 26 7:00pm - Mon Jun 26 7:00pm
Location Webinar
Region EMEA

This webinar is ideal for anyone who wishes to understand the important, but sometimes poorly understood, specialised discipline of managing Corporate Actions and Asset Servicing within securities firms. It will explain what Corporate Actions are and how they impact firms highlighting some of the specific controls and processes which arise plus the need for attention to be paid to the management of operational risk. You will learn the scope of asset servicing and how firms handle these activities.

The content will include:

• The nature of corporate actions, using examples
• The securities and participants involved
• The processing life cycle
• Mandatory and voluntary events with examples
• IPOs / Proxy Voting / Tax
• Legal issues
• Event management
• Risk, systems and controls

Who should attend?

This seminar will be of benefit to all operations personnel, new entrants in a Corporate Actions environment, internal audit, front office support staff and those involved in providing services and systems to regulated firms. It will also be of use to those working in IT who need a better understanding of Corporate Actions processing.