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Event Date Tue Jun 23 CEST - Thu Jun 25 CEST (over 4 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Jun 23 4:00am - Thu Jun 25 11:00am
Location TBA
Region EMEA

Currency and interest rate fluctuations can cause significant earnings volatility for companies and banks alike. This demonstrably negatively affects the value of the company, and in some cases even its continued existence is called into question.

In the course of the seminar, the process of market risk management is structured in a structured way. It identifies which positions are risky and analyzes how the risks affect the company. Different quantification methods are presented and the advantages and disadvantages discussed in detail. All this information makes it possible to make informed risk strategy decisions and subsequently implement them.

The potential importance of these risks requires careful management. Not only because of legal requirements, but also as part of sustainable corporate management (keyword: compliance).

Main topics - Module Currency Risk Management:
• Manifestations of risk - direct and indirect currency risk
• Risk analysis
• Quantification based on volatilities
• Approaches to the risk strategy and building blocks of a risk policy
• Hedging instruments in practice: futures, options
• Main features of accounting for derivative instruments
• Digitization aspects in treasury

Main topics - Module Interest Risk Management:
• Sources and manifestations of the risk
• Methods for measuring risk: Sensitivity and at-risk analyzes
• Approaches to the interest rate risk strategy: cost and risk aspects
• Hedging instruments: forward rate agreements, swaps, options
• Risk reporting


2020 Speakers

Thomas Schörner
Partner, Schwabe, Ley & Greiner

Günther Bauer
Partner, Schwabe, Ley & Greiner