HUMBOLDT CARRÉ Konferenz GmbH, Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Berlin, Germany

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Event Date Mon Nov 12 GMT - Wed Nov 14 GMT (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Nov 12 12:00am - Wed Nov 14 12:00am
Location HUMBOLDT CARRÉ Konferenz GmbH
Behrenstraße 42, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Region EMEA

Cybersecurity is about humans, skills and knowledge. So is the Cybersecurity Leadership Summit in Berlin (#CSLS18). Discussing face-to-face with your peers about trends, hypes and evolving threats, getting trained in thinking the unthinkable to be better prepared for disaster, or even avoid the worst of it. #CSLS18 represents the new thinking that really matters for a secure digital transformation of your enterprise. At #CSLS18 you will find an impressive line-up of world-class keynote speakers, panel moderators, panellists, best practice presenters and professionals facing the same challenges as you do.

Key Topics:
• Cybersecurity: Priorities and Challenges - Insurance, AI, Industrial Resilience, Mid-sized Enterprises, Cloud Security Services, Recruiting
• The Future of Digital Business Security
• Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Risks and Concerns
• Securing Critical Infrastructure
• Risk Management: Best Practices for CISOs
• GDPR, the Global State of Privacy & Your Path to Compliance
• Blockchain and Cybersecurity: What Does the Future Hold?
• Identify: NIST Based Security Assessments
• Prioritizing Vulnerability Management


2018 Speakers:

Warwick Ashford
Security Editor

Yaniv Avidan
CEO-Co Founder

Alexei Balaganski
Lead Analyst

Thomas Balmer

Matthias Bauer
Sr. Manager, Software Development

Richard Bell
Director – Security & Privacy

Dr. George Beridze
Project Manager

Kevin Bocek
Chief Security Strategist

John Bryk
Cyber and Physical Threat Intelligence Analyst

Chris Burtenshaw

Dr. Doron Chema
CEO & Co-founder

Dimitri Chichlo
Senior IT Security Advisor

Peter Dornheim
Head of IT Security

Enrico Frumento
Senior Researcher

Dr. Ludwig Fuchs

Jean-Christophe Gaillard
Managing Director

Bimal Gandhi

Dr. Torsten George
Product Evangelist

Dr. Willem De Groef
Co Founder

Dirk Groesser
IT Security Consultant, Data Privacy Officer, UBDG

Peter Gyongyosi
Product Manager, One Identity

Mans Hakansson
Solution Architect, Axiomatics

Mike Hart
Vice President Central & Eastern Europe, FireEye

Gal Helemski
Co Founder & CIPO, PlainID

Klaus Hild
Senior System Sales Engineer, SailPoint

Tim Hobbs
Microservices Evangelist, iC Consult

Tom Hofmann
Manager, EY

Dr. Michael von der Horst
Senior Director Cybersecurity Germany, Cisco

Dr. Danny Hughes
CTO, VersaSense

Nishant Kaushik
CTO, Uniken

Alexander von Keller
Head of Enterprise Sales DACH, Kaspersky Lab

Dr. Heiko Klarl
CEO xdi360 | CMO iC Consult Group, iC Consult

Thomas Kohl
Senior Business Development Manager, Ergon Informatik

Markus Krauss
Regional Sales Manager Public Sector & Commercial, Cisco Cybersecurity Germany

Dr. André Kudra
CIO, esatus AG

Martin Kuppinger
Principal Analyst, KuppingerCole

Martin Lum
VP Strategy & Marketing (International), valantic identity

Dr. Barbara Mandl

Martin Mangold
Head of Cloud Operations, DriveLock SE

Alam Mohammad
Head of Cybersecurity & Privacy, Voith Digital Ventures

Maximilian Möhring
Founder / CEO, Keyp

Karsten Müller-Corbach
Regional Solution Architect, Ping Identity

Bernd Peeters
Head of Services / Digital Unit, Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

Dragan Pendic
Principal Director, Digital Security & Privacy Leadership, Accenture

Andre Priebe
CTO, iC Consult

Matthias Reinwarth
Lead Advisor & Senior Analyst, KuppingerCole

Eleni Richter
Chief Architect, EnBW

Zoe Rose
Consultant, Baringa Partners

Daniel Röper
Director of Digitalm Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

Marc Schieder

Dr. Christian Schlaeger
Group Vice President, Division Cyber Security, Giesecke + Devrient Mobile Security GmbH

Ann-Kathrin Schmitt
Marketing Managerin, BioID GmbH

Philipp Schneidenbach
Principal, Ventum Consulting

Daniel Schnok
Cybersecurity Expert, Deutsche Cyber Sicherheitsorganisation DCSO

Paul Simmonds
Fellow Analyst, KuppingerCole

Frederic Stallaert
Machine Learning Engineer/ Data Scientist, ML6

Albert Stepanyan
CEO, Develandoo

Dr. Rachel Suissa
Teaching Associate and Research Fellow, University of Haifa / National Security Program

John Tolbert
Lead Analyst, KuppingerCole

John Unsworth
Director - Security, Risk and Intelligence, Revak

Richard De Vere
Social Engineer, The AntiSocial Engineer Limited

Ammi Virk
Head of Intelligence, Hexegic B.V.

Marko Vogel
Manager, KPMG

Christoph Weiss
Regional Sales Vice President DACH & Eastern Europe, BigID

Jochen Werne
Director, Bankhaus August Lenz

Malte Wirz
Security Engineer, perseus.

Gerhard Zehethofer
Vice President Internet of Things, ForgeRock

Martin Zeitler
Sr. Staff of CSO EMEA and Sr. Manager, Systems Engineering, Palo Alto Networks

Aviram Zrahia
Security Evangelist, Juniper Networks

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Sponsors:

• Centrify
• cisco
• paloato