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Event Date | Tue May 12 EDT (almost 5 years ago) |
Region | All |
As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, organizations worldwide are increasing their commitment to cybersecurity. The spend on cybersecurity technology, services and workforce is forecasted to grow up to $248 billion by 2023, but the challenge of securing enterprise networks, operations and data assets remains. CISOs and threat researchers will discuss the latest cyber threats and what’s needed to address them before organizations suffer financial and reputational loss.
Join BrightTALK’s upcoming virtual summit for a global, three-day online event. Register for free thought leadership from the world’s top speakers, vendors and evangelists in the form of live webinars, panel discussions, keynote presentations and webcam videos. From Engineers and Developers, to IT Operations, CIOs, CISOs and CTOs, professionals from a diverse range of technical backgrounds are welcome!