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Event Date | Wed Jun 20 EDT - Thu Jun 21 EDT (over 6 years ago) |
Location |
Downtown Conference Center
157 William St, New York, NY 10038, USA |
Region | Americas |
All financial institutions need an effective data governance strategy and are increasingly under pressure to significantly transform and improve processes in this area.
To do this successfully, those responsible for data governance must be able to influence stakeholders and back-office operational decisions. Data governance is a key driver in the recent proliferation of CDO roles, and has also been highlighted by regulators through BCBS 239, which sets out global governance standards for banks.
In response to these challenges, WatersTechnology Training has launched this innovative two day training course designed to cover all the need to know elements of data governance in financial institutions today. Sessions will include designing and implementing a data governance framework, the impact of regulatory mandates such as BCBS 239 and improving data quality and operational efficiencies.
The course is delivered by a variety of expert practitioners from leading financial institutions and consultancies, and held in an open, discussion based environment to promote the sharing of best practice approaches.
Dessa Glasser
Principal, Financial Risk Group
Brett Caracciolo
SVP, Director of Data Governance, Sterling National Bank
Sandra Recca
Senior Director, Fitch Ratings
Jerry Castricato
Director, Capgemini