Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Tue May 21 +08 (almost 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue May 21 6:00am - Tue May 21 9:00am |
Location |
Raffles City Tower
250 North Bridge Rd, Singapore 179101 |
Region | APAC |
For the month of May 2019, BigDataSG meetup brings Carlos Queiroz, DBS, Head Data Platform (Technology) who will share their journey towards building a modern data stack with independent scaling of data storage and compute to make data-driven decisions at DBS. The session will also feature a quick technical overview of Alluxio, open source data orchestration that brings data closer to compute, as well as a panel moderated by me.
2019 Speaker
Carlos Queiroz
DBS, Head Data Platform (Technology)
Aseem Rastogi
Vice President, Engineering, Alluxio
Abhisshek Parolkar
BigDataSG & HadoopSG Meetup
Carlos Queiroz
DBS, Head Data Platform (Technology)
Aseem Rastogi
Vice President, Engineering, Alluxio
2019 Sponsor and Supporters
• accenture
• Big Data SG
• talend