Philharmonie Luxembourg
Philharmonie Luxembourg , Philharmonie Luxembourg 1, Place de l'Europe - L-1499 Luxembourg

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Event Date Thu Jun 29 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Jun 29 12:00am - Thu Jun 29 12:00am
Location Philharmonie Luxembourg
Philharmonie Luxembourg 1, Place de l'Europe - L-1499 Luxembourg
Region EMEA

Looking into the future of financial services
For the seventh year in a row, the Horizon Conference will offer fresh perspectives on the future of the financial industry. Each year, the event brings together senior industry professionals and internationally renowned keynote speakers with a message to share. True to tradition, Luxembourg’s Minister of Finance Mr. Pierre Gramegna will deliver the opening speech also in the upcoming edition.


Sébastien Danloy
CEO of RBC Investor Services Bank S.A., Luxembourg

Yves Francis
Managing Partner, Deloitte Luxembourg

Pierre Gramegna
Luxembourg Minister of Finance

Prof Mark McCaughrean
Senior Advisor for Science & Robotic Exploration, European Space Agency

Charles van der Haegen
Founder and CEO of ZERI Europe: Foundation for a Blue Economy

Yuri Van Geest
Co-founder of Singularity University Netherlands and Co-author of “Exponential Organizations”

Dr Linda Yueh
Fellow in Economics, Oxford University, and Adjunct Professor, London Business School

Nasir Zubairi
CEO of The LHoFT

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The Loft