Hotel Occidental Atenea Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Hotel Occidental Atenea Mar, Barcelona, Spain, Paseo García Faria 37-47, 08019 Barcelona, Spain

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Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Thu Sep 28 BST - Fri Sep 29 BST (about 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Sep 28 12:00am - Fri Sep 29 12:00am
Location Hotel Occidental Atenea Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Paseo García Faria 37-47, 08019 Barcelona, Spain
Region EMEA

We are pleased to invite you to the Design Thinking for Business Innovation Summit on September 28th and 29th 2017, in Barcelona, Spain.

When competing in efficiency it is no longer enough to simply be a champion of maintaining the status quo. Innovating business models, enhancing product and service development schemes, and creating customer centric experiences are becoming paramount to succeed in today’s fast changing world. To become a champion of innovation while still focusing on efficiency, a new process is needed – Design Thinking. Design Thinking is the process that brings innovation to life where the customer is at the heart of every business decision. This Summit hinges upon the new ways to leverage Design Thinking into your organisation to become a champion of innovation.


2017 Event speakers

Peter Schmutzer
R&D Strategic Sourcing

Miguel Lunaparra
Director, Enterprise
Capital One

Anne Amsallem
Programme Director

Mette Tang
Customer Experience

Pieter Musters
Director Product

Boris Thorbecke
Associate Director

Doug Roerden
Vice President

Rich Bessel
Marketing Creative Director
Intuit Quickbooks

Bianca Hermansen
Director, Global Design & Engagement
LEGO Group

Richard Copland
The Future Shapers

Sponsors & Partners

2017 Event Sponsors

Private Banking
CIO Review
Tech EU
Global banking and Finance Review