
What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Wed Nov 24 EST - Thu Nov 25 EST (about 3 years ago)
Location Online
Region Americas

Devopsdays is a worldwide series of technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. Each event is run by volunteers from the local area.

The devopsdays global core team guides local organizers in hosting their own devopsdays events worldwide. Active core organizers onboard and guide events, answer questions, and maintain the website. Advisory core organizers are less involved day-to-day but weigh in on important matters and assist as needed. Emeritus core organizers are no longer involved in the core team; we thank them for their past efforts.


2021 Speakers

Adarsh Shah
Founder & CEO of CompuZest

Amber Vanderburg
former HR Director

Angel Nuñez
Consultant in Enterprise Agility

Antonio Cobo
Delivery Manager

Carlos Chavez
Gerente Regional de DevOps

Carolina Orqueda
Portfolio, Programme and Project Management, Cyber Security.

Daniele Fontani
CTO, Sintraconsulting

Giovanny Cifuentes
Agility Consultant

Guillermo Talento
Quality evangelist, expert in software testing and computer security

Javier Galindo
Systems Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Jhonnatan Gil
System Engineer and Software Developer

John Behrens
Freelancer from Hamburg Germany

Jose Aquino
Senior Consultant, Big Data Engineer, Founder and Coordinator of the Dominican Big Data Community

Jose Columbie
Master of Electrical Engineering

Julian Jimenez
Director of Operations of TRU Startup

Maria Tenreiro
IT Professional focused on Software Quality Assurance

Sponsors & Partners

2021 Sponsor