Grand Hôtel, Stockholm
Grand Hôtel, Stockholm, Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8, 103 27 Stockholm, Sweden

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Event Date Wed May 23 BST (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed May 23 12:00am - Wed May 23 12:00am
Location Grand Hôtel, Stockholm
Södra Blasieholmshamnen 8, 103 27 Stockholm, Sweden
Region EMEA

The annual meeting place for the industry's key players

The Bank's way forward through the crossroads of new regulations, new challengers and an ever faster digital development

For the eighth consecutive year, today's industry brings together the key players to summarize the current situation and look forward. And there are things to talk about:

- What positions will the different actors take and how does the way go ahead for the financial sector?
- What opportunities and threats lie in digitalization, automation and robotization?
- What new players want to take part of the banks' business - and how do banks meet them?
- The rules are under constant development - what does this mean to the banks? And for the customers?


2018 Speakers

Massimo Rostagno
Director General Monetary Policy, European Central Bank, ECB

Johan Torgeby
President, SEB

Anders Bouvin
President, Handelsbanken

Thomas F. Borgen
CEO, Danske Bank

Adam Farkas
Executive Director, European Banking Authority, EBA

Anna Storåkers
Sweden Manager, Nordea

Rikard Josefson
CEO, Avanza

Lena Apler
Founder and Chairman of the Board, Collector Bank

Emma Strömfelt
Digital Development and Innovation, Swedbank

Sven Eggefalk
Managing Director, Länsförsäkringar Bank

Berit Behring
Managing Director, Danske Bank, Sweden

Martin Noréus
Deputy Director General, Finansinspektionen

Peter Dahlgren
CEO, Nordnet

Marie Halling
CEO, ICA Banken

Stephan Erne
CDO, Handelsbanken

Björn Dufwenberg
FS Lead, Pond

Tippu Mahmood
Team Lead Experience Consulting, PwC

Håkan Nyberg
CEO, Ikano Bank

Björn Norrman
Senior Director, Senior Director, Financial Insitutions, Fitch Ratings,

Monsur Hussain
Senior Director, Financial Institutions, Fitch Ratings

Wiljar Nesse
EVP, Financial Services EVRY

Erik Zingmark
Head of Transaction Banking, Nordea

Oskar Bjursten
VP Credit Information, UC

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Sponsors

• PwC
• Euroclear Sweden

• Fitch Ratings
• Harvest Advokatbyrå
• UC