Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Wed Nov 8 EET - Thu Nov 9 EET (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Nov 7 5:00pm - Wed Nov 8 5:00pm |
Location |
Quality Airport Hotel
Sømmevegen 1, 4055 Sola, NO |
Region | EMEA |
The purpose of the conference is to share experiences in the energy industry on our digital journey. Our industry has for some time now been making substantial investments in Digital Transformation, and there is still significant potential in accelerating the maturity in the space through collaboration between peers. From the knowledge we have obtained to date, can we predict what the future of O&G operations and decision-making will look like? Will it be dominated by artificial intelligence or with a fair balance between people and technology? This conference will demonstrate what we have learned so far and debate what we are designing for in the future.
Why you should attend:
• Management of Data-Driven Organisation
• The Digital Subsurface
• Digital Twins – From Field Development to Operation
• Remote and Data-Driven Operations
• Digital Security/Cyber Security
• Human – Automation Teaming: Designing for Human Performance
• Leveraging AI for Technical Applications and Increased Safety
2023 Speakers
Håvard Gustad
(Chair of Committee), Equinor
Dmitriy Belozerov
Data Scientist, Vår Energi
Linn Vestly Bergh
Senior advisor, Ptil
Maria Juul
Assistant director of data and document management, NPD
Gisle Karlsen
Improvment Manager, Aker BP
Egil Tjåland
Kjell Arne Jacobsen
Founder and CEO, InnoTeam
2023 Sponsors
• Wintershall Dea
• ConocoPhillips
• TotalEnergies