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Event Date |
Thu Mar 30 CEST (almost 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Mar 29 6:00pm - Wed Mar 29 6:00pm |
Location |
Radisson Blu Hotel, Hamburg
Congressplatz 2, 20355 Hamburg, Germany |
Region | EMEA |
A discussion on what shipowners want to see from digital technology and can we purchase digital tools which will last us at least 15 years without being replaced?
Ship-to-shore communications session will look at secured aggregation of different communication networks, connectivity of critical communications, and cybersecurity.
Hamburg has always had a healthy maritime start-up scene. In our maritime innovation session we will hear about the role of carbon offset in shipping and the benefits of marine offset platform, advise on improving vessel routing with weather data, managing port calls, and ways to cut complexity of email communications.
We will conclude the day with a discussion on how start-ups can most help shipping companies now - can a start-up provide products which a shipping company can use for 15 years or more without being replaced?
2023 Speakers
Johann Meyer
Managing Director Hamburg, Columbia Shipmanagement
Nils Aden
Managing Director, Harren & Partner
Dimitris Lyras
Director, Paralos Maritime Corporation
Jan Solle
Senior Research Associate, Fraunhofer CML
Frank Woetzel
CTO & CEO, Sputnik24
Giampiero Soncini
Managing Director, Oceanly
Janek Ekeli
Rolf Nostdahl
Sales Manager, The Ship
Bill Dobie
CEO, Sedna
Gerald van der Grijn
Technical Customer Success Leader, Spire Global
Chris Baars
Consultancy Director, CyberOwl
Tim Reinsch
Managing Partner, TecPier
Fabian Feldhaus
Managing Director & Co Founder, Flagship Founders
Tobias Lindbæk
Growth Manager Vessel Insight, Kongsberg Digital
Paul Petit-Jean
VP, Head of Maritime Business Line, Connectivity Business Unit, Eutelsat
Anders Flensborg
Managing Director, Flensborg and Associates
2023 Sponsors
• Eutelsat
• Sputnik 24
• Fraunhofer CML
• Oceanly
• Cordell Beaumont
• Navarino
• Dualog
• Cyber Owl
• Kons Berg
• Konsberg Digital
• Ulysses Systems
• Spire Weather
• The Ship