Hilton Waikoloa Village
Hilton Waikoloa Village, 269-425 Waikoloa Beach Dr, Waikoloa Village, HI 96738, USA

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Sun Dec 2 EST - Wed Dec 5 EST (over 6 years ago)
Location Hilton Waikoloa Village
269-425 Waikoloa Beach Dr, Waikoloa Village, HI 96738, USA
Region Americas

Board members from the movement’s top credit unions gather annually at Directors Conference to learn, communicate and grow as leaders and decision makers. For maximum benefit, boards are encouraged to attend as a group.

It’s where:
• World-class business education fosters critical thinking skills
• Theory meets application to support comprehensive, effective governance
• Attendees accrue ideas, strategies and peer relationships to take home
• You’ll gain a deeper and broader understanding of industry trends, enhanced skills and new approaches to governance—critical competencies for 21st century credit unions.


2018 Speakers:

Terence Roche
Partner, Cornerstone Advisors

Phil Hansen
Multimedia Artist and Co-founder, Phil in the Circle

Bryn Conway
Principal, BC Consulting

Carl Windom
Credit Union Consultant, Retired NCUA regulator

Jeff Rendel
President, Rising Above Enterprises

Brian Scott
Senior Vice President, PSCU

Sandra Joseph
Speaker, Author, Singer, Actor

Rick Metsger
NCUA Board Member, Washington, DC

Cherie Freed
NCUA Regional Director, Region 5, Tempe, AZ

Michael Daigneault
CEO and Co-founder, Quantum Governance

Annette Mathies
CEO, Aspen Edge Consulting

Celeste Cook
CEO/Founder, cuStrategies

Guy Messick
Partner, Messick Lauer & Smith P.C.

Yvonne Evers
Founder and CEO, SUCCESSIONapp, LLC and YME Coaching & Consulting

John Sileo
The Sileo Group

Scott Burrows
Author and Inspirational Speaker