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Event Date | Tue Nov 30 EST (over 3 years ago) |
Location | Zoom |
Region | Americas |
In this webinar, hear findings from the EBRI/ICI 401(k) database to understand how participants are actually using TDFs. Which demographics are using them the most? Are they holding age-appropriate vintages? How is usage changing over time?
With more than half of 401(k) plan participants holding target date funds (TDFs), accounting for more than one-quarter of all 401(k) plan assets, TDFs remain in the spotlight for plan sponsors, providers, and legislators. Indeed, two Capitol Hill policymakers recently asked the Government Accountability Office to review the use of TDFs in defined contribution retirement plans. In this webinar, hear findings from the EBRI/ICI 401(k) database to understand how participants are actually using TDFs. Which demographics are using them the most? Are they holding age-appropriate vintages? How is usage changing over time? Sarah Holden of the Investment Company Institute and Jack VanDerhei of the Employee Benefit Research Institute will explore recent research in this area. Join us as we discuss the findings, their implications, and how they might inform the current policy dialogue on TDFs.
2021 Speakers
Jack VanDerhei
Research Director, EBRI
Sarah Holden
Senior Director, Retirement & Investor Research, Investment Company Institute
Josh Cohen
Managing Director, Head of Institutional Defined Contribution, PGIM Institutional Relationship Group