The Brewery
The Brewery, 52 Chiswell St, London EC1Y 4SD, UK

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Thu Mar 19 GMT (almost 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Mar 19 4:30am - Thu Mar 19 8:30am
Location The Brewery
52 Chiswell St, London EC1Y 4SD, UK
Region EMEA

IHS Markit experts will explore how organizations can navigate and prepare for an economy that is evolving at an unprecedented pace within a political landscape that has irrevocably changed. We will also explore recent conflict escalations and their potential impact on your business.

2020 Vision: IHS Markit perspective

• What could go wrong, and where might we be positively surprised?
• US election year: A game changer for the global economy?
• Policy in Europe: Are more upheavals on the horizon?
• Iran: Conflict Outlook and Implications
• Sanctions: Impact, effectiveness, and outlook

Networking opportunities
• Luncheon discussions with our experts
• Breaks to meet with industry peers


2020 Speakers

Nariman Behravesh, Ph.D.
Chief Economist, IHS Markit

Elisabeth Waelbroeck-Rocha
Chief International Economist, IHS Markit

Chris Varvares, CBE
Vice President and co-head of US Economics, IHS Markit

Ken Wattret
Chief European Economist, IHS Markit

John Raines, Ph.D.
Principal Global Risks Adviser and Head of North America, Economics & Country Risk, IHS Markit

Firas Modad
Research and Analysis Director Country Risk – Middle East and North Africa, IHS Markit