Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Thu Mar 19 GMT (almost 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Thu Mar 19 4:30am - Thu Mar 19 8:30am |
Location |
The Brewery
52 Chiswell St, London EC1Y 4SD, UK |
Region | EMEA |
IHS Markit experts will explore how organizations can navigate and prepare for an economy that is evolving at an unprecedented pace within a political landscape that has irrevocably changed. We will also explore recent conflict escalations and their potential impact on your business.
2020 Vision: IHS Markit perspective
• What could go wrong, and where might we be positively surprised?
• US election year: A game changer for the global economy?
• Policy in Europe: Are more upheavals on the horizon?
• Iran: Conflict Outlook and Implications
• Sanctions: Impact, effectiveness, and outlook
Networking opportunities
• Luncheon discussions with our experts
• Breaks to meet with industry peers
2020 Speakers
Nariman Behravesh, Ph.D.
Chief Economist, IHS Markit
Elisabeth Waelbroeck-Rocha
Chief International Economist, IHS Markit
Chris Varvares, CBE
Vice President and co-head of US Economics, IHS Markit
Ken Wattret
Chief European Economist, IHS Markit
John Raines, Ph.D.
Principal Global Risks Adviser and Head of North America, Economics & Country Risk, IHS Markit
Firas Modad
Research and Analysis Director Country Risk – Middle East and North Africa, IHS Markit