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Event Date Wed Dec 6 UTC (about 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Dec 5 7:00pm - Tue Dec 5 7:00pm
Location Webinar
Region All

As cuts continue into 2024, will management see test automation as a low-value activity, or recognize its role in delivering quality software faster than your competitors?
Discover how your 2024 testing strategy can maximise the value of your automation efforts, while demonstrating a strong ROI to key decision-makers. The panel will answer key questions to help you grow your automated testing in 2024, delivering better software faster than ever:
• How can test automation demonstrate its value and beat cost cuts in 2024?
• How can automation move from a tactical approach, to a strategy that delivers quality?
• • What are the best KPIs for measuring test automation, and what’s the typical payback time?
• What can you do to ensure that AI is a test automation friend, not foe, in 2024?
• Why do automation projects still fail, and what are the key problems to solve in 2024?
• Why are most tests still executed manually, and when is it best not to automate?
• Which tools and techniques will help solve automation challenges in 2024?
• How can your organisation navigate the proliferation of testing tools?
• How can automation deliver more value, while minimising maintenance overheads?
• What changes in test environment management will elevate test automation?


2023 Speakers

Marcus Merrell
Vice President of Technology Strategy, Sauce Labs

Marcus Catt
Principal Consultant, Infuse

Rich Jordan

Ben Riley
Chief Revenue Officer, Curiosity Software