Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Wed May 31 CEST - Fri Jun 2 CEST (almost 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue May 30 6:00pm - Thu Jun 1 6:00pm |
Location |
Hotel Fairmont Le Montreux Palace
Av. Claude-Nobs 2, 1820 Montreux, Switzerland |
Region | EMEA |
This events bringing together the leading family office investors with the most renowned investment solution providers in an intimate environment for a focused discussion of the latest strategies for best practices in private wealth management.
This events provides a platform that helps Europe’s leading family office and private wealth management executives evaluate and partner with relevant service providers, while we connect innovative asset management companies with these chief investment strategists.
2023 Speakers
Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Denmark’s First Female Prime Minister 2011-2015 & Co-chair, Facebook’s Oversight Board, Board Member, European Council for Foreign Relations
Claudia Zeisberger
Professor of Entrepreneurship & Family Enterprise, Founder Global Private Equity Initiative (GPEI), INSEAD, Fellow, Temasek
Julian Marwitz
Principal, Marwitz Family Office
Kevin Quinn
Chief Investment Strategist, Bank of Ireland
Claus Vistesen
Chief Eurozone Economist, Pantheon Macroeconomics
Alejandro Martinez Fuster
Partner & CIO, EFE&ENE Multi Family Office
Silvia Andriotto
Associate Director, JTC Private Office
Raimund Kamp
Managing Partner, Guidato Family Office
Patrick Lehnert
Director, Corecam
Bruce Hao
Managing Director, Builders Asset Management
Anabel Ternès von Hattburg
Executive Director, Institute for Sustainable Management
Marc-Antoine Collard
Chief Economist & Head of Economic Research, Rothschild & Co
Lea Dauphas
Chief Economist, TAC ECONOMICS
Marili Merendi
CIO & Portfolio Manager, Ambient Sound Investments
Jan Lambregts
Head of RaboResearch Global Economics & Markets, Rabobank
Paul Winter
COO, Moghrabi Family Office
David Spacey
Chief Economist, US Economic Transition Foundation
Octavian Graf Pilati
Owner & CEO, Sub Umbra
Oliver Herrmann
Family Advisor, UBS
Dr. Alexander Koeberle-Schmid
Partner, Koeberle-Schmid & Unger Advisors
Todd Benjamin
Former Financial Editor, CNN International