Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Fri Aug 16 CDT (over 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Fri Aug 16 9:45am - Fri Aug 16 6:15pm |
Location |
Omni Dallas Hotel at Park West
1590 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy, Dallas, TX 75234, USA |
Region | Americas |
Join the industry leaders, developers, Blockchain gurus and technology players at the Enterprise Blockchain Implementation Summit. Experience real life case studies across industries and learn their success. We will aim on future of Enterprise Blockchain and how your company can benefit now.The conference sessions and the leading experts from the blockchain space will put a spotlight on what needs to be understood and how you can make profits in future.
Enterprise Blockchain implementation summit will explore the industries that are set to be disrupted the most by this new technology.
2019 Speakers
Ankit Gupta
Director, Identity Transformation and Governance (Itg), Persistent Systems
Yaroslav(Slava) Buga
It Consultant and Business Development Manager, Dataart
2019 Partners
• CryptoNewsZ
• Top Market Group
• Techsamvad
• AMB Crypto
• AS Datachamp