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Event Date Wed Mar 23 EDT (over 2 years ago)
Location Webinar
Region Americas

Environmental, social, and governance risks and looming ESG regulations are aligning to produce a perfect storm of increased regulatory expectations for bank ESG efforts. The SEC has questioned the accuracy of ESG disclosures. The Federal Reserve, OCC, and FDIC have expressed concerns about climate change, especially transition risk and the potential effect on credit quality and collateral value. Advocacy groups, investors, and customers are demanding additional focus on the environment, racial equity, diversity, and inclusion. Learn how to make sure your bank is ready for this heightened focus on ESG from all sides.

Discussion Highlights:

• Considering banking activities through a climate risk lens is revolutionary. Banks must begin to consider credit and investment portfolio risks associated with climate change. How should banks identify and assess revenue, collateral, transition, and other risks associated with climate change and building a greener economy?

• On the social side, is your institution prepared for greater scrutiny of its internal and external fairness practices? Are your CMS systems for fair and responsible banking and CRA robust? How are you recruiting and promoting talent? What steps has your institution taken to ensure your internal DEI efforts are aligned with your public commitments and stakeholder expectations?

• Governance and oversight need to be in place for every aspect of a financial institution’s ESG efforts. Does your institution have appropriate controls to ensure accuracy in ESG reporting, consistency of internal activities and public statements, and efficiency when incorporating ESG into business strategies and goals?


2022 Speakers

William (Bill) Dudley
Board Member and Regulatory Advisor, Treliant LLC and Former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Lynn Woosley
CRCM, Senior Director, Treliant

J. Scott Beckerman
PE, LEED AP, SVP & Director of Corporate Sustainability, Comerica Incorporated