Online Event

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Event Date Fri Apr 8 EDT (over 2 years ago)
Location Online Event
Region EMEA

The EU Digital Finance Platform is a new website designed to build dialogue between innovative financial firms and supervisors. The initiative was announced in the Digital Finance Strategy of September 2020. Its main objectives are to overcome fragmentation and support the scaling up of digital financial services across the Single Market. This will foster innovation in finance and holds great potential for businesses and citizens who stand to benefit from new, effective products and services.

The EU Digital Finance Platform will initially consist of two main building blocks: an Observatory offering interactive features such as a Fintech Map, events and a section where users will be able to share relevant research material, and a Gateway which will act as a single access point to supervisors, with information about national innovation hubs, regulatory sandboxes and licensing requirements. This part of the Platform will also host functionalities linked to cross-border testing – a novelty enabling firms to involve multiple national authorities in the testing of new products or applications. In a second phase, to be launched in 2023, new features are set to be added to the EU Digital Finance Platform, building on user feedback.


2022 Speakers

Verena Ross
Chair, European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)

Mairead McGuinness
Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union

Marc Roberts, President European
Fintech Association

Maria Staszkiewicz, President
European Digital Finance Association

Wim Mijs, Chief Executive Officer
European Banking Federation

Michaela Koller, Director General
Insurance Europe