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Event Date | Thu Sep 23 EDT (over 3 years ago) |
Location | Webinar |
Region | EMEA |
Significant cost savings can be achieved as a regional headquartered company providing a service can supply the group more cheaply than the
individual subsidiaries. Further benefits are to streamline the management of business lines, to enhance group control, to improve the efficiency of the supply chain, to reduce duplications within the MNE group and potentially to reduce their tax burden. Moreover, the certainty of continuous service supply adds value to MNEs.
2021 Speakers
Gaspar Lopes Dias
Taxand Cyprus
Christos Theophilou
Taxand Cyprus
Sonya Manzor
Taxand Ireland
Romain Tiffon
Taxand Luxembourg
Steve Idrissou
Taxand Luxembourg
Walter Cutajar
Taxand Malta
Evert-Jan Spoelder
Taxand Netherlands