Four Seasons Hotel Boston
Four Seasons Hotel Boston, 200 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116, USA

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Event Date Tue Oct 29 EDT (about 5 years ago)
Location Four Seasons Hotel Boston
200 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116, USA
Region Americas

As more and more pension funds, foundations and endowments consider an Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) solution for all or part of their portfolio, P&I's inaugural OCIO conference will share best practices on how to implement, evaluate, benchmark and evolve for the best outcomes.

The rapidly evolving Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) market continues to be one of the strongest areas for growth in the investment management industry. At year end March 31, 2018, OCIO managers reported $1.74 trillion in assets managed worldwide for institutions.* If growth continues as predicted, managers will be vying for at least $2 trillion of new OCIO assets between now and the end of 2023.

However, the market has matured enough, that we are now seeing many experienced OCIO clients reviewing their current partnerships and looking to ensure that they have the right partner for their needs. They and others will be taking time to evaluate the OCIO model and how to most effectively utilize it across various types of business models and strategies.

There are also a growing number of new OCIO participants, with corporate DB plans an area that stands out. Many sponsors are looking to outsourcing as they wind down their plans and go into LDI mode or sell off pieces of their DB plans in pension buyouts.

Our inaugural OCIO conference will address the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ of the model and look to share best practices on how to implement, evaluate, benchmark and evolve for the best outcomes.

As we move toward 2020, join P&I for this timely conference that will attract pensions funds, endowments and foundations to share insights on how they see the future of OCIO.


2019 Speakers


Mark Wetzel
Fiduciary Investment Advisors, President


Steve Barker
Vice President & CFO, World Resources Institute

Boaz Blumovitz
CFO, The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Chris Brockmeyer
Director of Employee Benefit Funds, The Broadway League

Giulia Christianson
Head of Sustainable Investing, World Resources Institute

James Clarke
Senior VP of Investments, KU Endowment

Kourtney Corcoran
SVP, CFO, Legal Sea Foods

Sean Cover
Executive Director of Treasury and Investment Operations, Wildlife Conservation Society

Rui De Figueiredo
Co-Head and CIO of Solutions & Multi-Asset Group, Morgan Stanley Investment Management

Evgeni Ganchev
Assistant Treasurer, USG Corporation

Jim Gannon CFA, FSA, EA
Senior Investment Actuary, Vanguard

Jeffry Haber
LaPenta School of Business, IONA College

Jessica Hart
Head of OCIO Retirement Practice, Northern Trust Asset Management

Tom Heck
Chief Investment Officer, Ball State University Foundation

Thomas J Kennelly
Managing Director, Head of Investment Strategy, State Street Global Advisors

Jeffrey Palma
Managing Director, Head of Investments OCIO, State Street Global Advisors

Annette Parker
VP Finance and Administration, Ursinus College

Paul Partington
Senior Client Investment Officer, Northern Trust Asset Management

François Pellerin CFA, FSA, CERA, EA
Multi-Asset Class Strategist, Fidelity Investments

Catherine Pena CFA
Portfolio Manager, Fidelity Investments

Christopher Philips CFA
Principal and Head of Institutional Advisory Services, Vanguard

Rishi Potdar
CFO, K4 Mobility

Kevin Quirk
Principal, Casey Quirk & Associates

Anne Reid
VP Finance, Moravian College

Sally Staley
Chair Investment Committee, College of Wooster

Scott Taylor
Senior Director of Treasury Services, Baystate Health

Jeanette Wade
CFO, Asentria Care Alliance

Mark Wetzel
President, Fiduciary Investment Advisors

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Sponsors

• Fidelity
• Morgan Stanley
• Northern Trust
• State Street
• Vanguard

• Risk First