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Event Date |
Wed Oct 4 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Oct 4 12:00am - Wed Oct 4 12:00am |
Location |
Messe München
Messegelände, 81823 München, Alemanya |
Region | EMEA |
The urbanisation trend and a stronger economic outlook are boosting prospects for European cities. Foreign investors tend to look at cities rather than countries - what are they looking for? Which cities are the fastest-growing and most likely to attract their interest? What role are domestic investors playing? Where are the best opportunities for development? How is the market for re-development vs new build? To what extent is Brexit affecting London's status as the main destination in Europe for foreign investors? Many cities, from Frankfurt to Dublin, from Paris to Amsterdam and from Berlin to Milan, are jostling to attract banks and companies seeking to re-locate from London.
2017 Speakers:
Henrike Waldburg, MRICS
Head of Investment Management Shopping Centre Union...
João Lélis
Fund Manager Sonae Sierra, Portugal
• Urband Land Institute
• Rics
• Inrev
• Epra