Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Sat Dec 10 PST (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Sat Dec 10 11:00am - Sat Dec 10 8:00pm |
Location |
San Francisco, CA |
Region | Americas |
This event is designed as a forum for discussion of trends in the universe of technology solutions for family offices and U/HNW wealth managers.
In addition to discussions and networking, our guests will have the opportunity to learn more about solutions from our partner vendor firms during live technology demonstration sessions.
With California’s leading role in technology innovation and driving the agenda on privacy, data protection, low carbon economy solutions and biotechnology, we will also discuss investment trends and competing priorities for funding.
Discussion Topics:
• Cybersecurity, privacy concerns and the hidden risks of connectivity
• Technology design, implementation and maintenance
• Measuring impact – technological and thematic challenges
• Achieving operational efficiency and client engagement
• Fintech Investment trends and competing priorities for VC funding
Who should attend:
Business leaders, operations, technology, investment, finance, compliance, client experience/service professionals at family offices and U/HNW wealth management firms, as well as UHNW/HNW individuals or families considering solutions.
2022 Speakers
Charlotte Beyer
Founder of IPI, Principle Quest Foundation
Douglas Fritz
Founder and President, F2 Strategy
Carol R. Kaufman
Founder and CEO, Pinventory
Joseph W Reilly Jr
CEO and Founder, Circulus Group
Avi Sharon
Executive Vice President and Product Strategist, PIMCO
2022 Sponsor
• SmartKYC