The Dolder Grand
The Dolder Grand, Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland

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Event Date Thu Nov 10 CET - Fri Nov 11 CET (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Nov 9 6:00pm - Thu Nov 10 6:00pm
Location The Dolder Grand
Kurhausstrasse 65, 8032 Zürich, Switzerland
Region EMEA

This year event will yet again gather Swiss-based and international 100+ Family Offices and UHNWIs; a truly global gathering held in English.

How does it work? This global Family Office Forum has a very different formula from other events:

• More Family Officers than service providers. In the audience, as stage speakers - by Family Offices for Family Offices.
• Topics are highly relevant to Family Offices; the Forum is not a sales show and presentations are not about products.
• Only selected Partners/Sponsors adding clear value may participate. This creates a win/win situation: Family Offices only hear about their interests, and Sponsors/Partners do find that specific interest in their own audience.


2022 Speakers

Vincent Guéneau
Principal, SFO

Reema Khan

Viktoriya Tigipko
VC Entrepreneur, Investor

Angela De Giacomo
Board Member, Family Officer (SFO)

Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès
Von Hattburg, Family Office 360grad AG

Francesca Agostinelli
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist

Hannes Jaenicke
Author, Actor, Activist

Octavian Graf Pilati
NextGen of a Family dating, Back to the year 1,000 (SFO)

Dominik von Eynern
Academic and NextGen (SFO)

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsors

• Abrdn
• Seba Bank
• Symphony Financial Partners
• Tech & Digital NEOM Company
• Genesis
• Fidelity
• Digital Assets
• Yes We Can Clinics
• Gib Asset Management
• Buchinger Wilhelmi
• Crown Global
• Maxwer Group
• Burgenstock
• Artex
• Senco hydrogen capital
• Moonfare
• Vita Tech
• The Dolder Grand