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Event Date Wed Aug 23 BST (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Tue Aug 22 7:00pm - Tue Aug 22 7:00pm
Location Webinar
Region EMEA

Direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the steel sector amounts to about 7% of total energy sector emissions and 25% of industrial CO2 emissions (IEA, 2020) and achieving net-zero steel in sector will require cumulative investment between $5.2 and $6.1 trillion (MPP, 2022). Emission intensity of steel is a critical criterion in investment decisions which underscores the importance of independent measurement and reporting of the emission intensity of the steel produced. ResponsibleSteel Standard and Certification provides an independent third-party certification assessing emissions and other social criteria from a steel a producing site which the finance industry can leverage on to make financing decisions to the steel sector. In this session, ResponsibleSteel will present the dynamics of steel decarbonization, and the critical role of standards and certification program in enabling finance flows to the steel sector decarbonization.


2023 Speakers


Simon Mills
Senior Associate, Z/Yen Group


Annie Heaton
CEO, Responsible Steel