Kimpton Gray
Kimpton Gray, 122 W. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60603

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Wed May 18 CDT - Thu May 19 CDT (about 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed May 18 1:00am - Thu May 19 1:00am
Location Kimpton Gray
122 W. Monroe St. Chicago, IL 60603
Region Americas

Take your personal and professional growth to the next level at this forum. This year’s forum will address the myriad of transitions that families are experiencing and how advisors can help them navigate. Additionally, growth is on the mind of advisory firms everywhere, and the educational sessions and networking opportunities presented at this year’s event will help advisors manage this time of unprecedented progress.

What to Expect
Attendees will…
• Hear a summation of the many transitions families of wealth are facing
• Understand why the client experience should be a primary focus
• Hear from fellow wealth advisor peers on what they’re doing to champion their work, both personally and professionally
• Discover how to help families navigate business transitions
• Explore how family histories can set a foundation for connection and continuity
• Learn how to effectively engage with the rising generation
• Get a base-level understanding of private trust companies
• Understand the basics and importance of the growing blockchain and digital asset landscape
• Learn more about strategic philanthropy



• Addepar
• Eton Solutions