Mayfair Hotel
Mayfair Hotel, 3000 Florida Ave, Coconut Grove, FL 33133, USA

What is Qwoted?

Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.

Event Date Wed Feb 27 EST - Thu Feb 28 EST (about 6 years ago)
Location Mayfair Hotel
3000 Florida Ave, Coconut Grove, FL 33133, USA
Region Americas

The Public Safety Technology Summit is the only event in the market bringing two concurrent public safety summits to one location, offering the highest quality conference experience with combined networking opportunities, for police and fire departments, port authority, border control, correctional facilities and EMS.

Bring your team to maximize your time and budget, and divide and conquer so you can leave equipped with implementation strategies and efficiency techniques for UAS and counter drone programs, as well as cost reduction best practices for body-worn camera programs. Get deep-dive updates during two concurrent events:

The Body-Worn Camera Summit will unite police departments nationwide with existing camera programs. With speakers who have managed BWC programs for several years, you'll hear in-depth discussions related to increasing the number of cameras within your department, advancing your current policy, managing mass amounts of data, overcoming storage issues and managing the tremendous cost plus much more.

The Public Safety UAS and Counter Drone Summit will unite professionals from police, fire, EMS, border control and correctional facilities for critical updates on related to best practices in UAS operation. The dramatic growth in public safety UAS usage has impacted how departments function and improve the opportunity to visualize a larger area for a variety of operational reasons. UAS specialists will discuss a variety of topics including best practices implementing a new UAS program, creating a robust policy, State and FAA regulations, applications uses, funding opportunities for your program, and counter drones. Leave this must attend conference with vital information to begin or improve your UAS program to for the benefit of those we serve and protect.


2019 Speakers

Daniel Zehnder
President of Principis Group Inc.

Dan Mark

Anthony DeMolina
CEO of The Regional Training Center

Joel Emeson
Detective for Aurora Police Department assigned to Motor Vehicle Theft Task Force

Jay Bowen
Sergeant, Philadelphia Police Department

Nick Zajchowski
Strategic Advisor for the Seattle Police Department

David Makin
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Washington State University

Rudolph Hall
NYPD’s Risk Management Bureau

David Ellis
Undersheriff- Western Region Director for the Airborne Public Safety Association, Spokane County Sheriff’s Office

William Saunders

Ben Kroll
COO and co-founder of Skyfire Consulting

Gary Jenkins

Drew Jurkofsky

Nicole Corbin
Correctional Sergeant, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR)

Eric Lindstrom
Captain, Greenfield Police Department in Wisconsin

Dan Gomez

Raoul Alvarez

Christian Quinn
Commander of the Cyber & Forensic Bureau with the Fairfax County Police Department (FCPD)

Sergio Enriquez
Office of the Chief of Police as the Chief of Staff

Richard Fields IV

Christopher Todd
founder and president of Airborne Response®

Ryan English
CEO and Co-founder of FLYMOTION

Scott Hurst

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Sponsors and Partners

• Fortem Techologies

• Digital-Ally
• Cape

• AirBorne
• SkyFire
• FlyMotion
• UAS Vision