Qwoted is a free expert network: we help reporters connect with experts & we help those same experts build relationships with top reporters.
Event Date |
Thu Nov 2 HKT (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Nov 2 12:00am - Thu Nov 2 12:00am |
Location |
JW Marriott Hotel
1 Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong |
Region | APAC |
Investment Forums provided asset managers the chance to showcase strategies of any variety that would have upside potential. In Singapore and Hong Kong these fall at the end of the year, just as Fund Selectors would be searching for new products for 2018. In regional markets, these provided opportunities for clients to present strategies most appropriate for local investors.
2017 Sponsors:
• Aberdeen Standard Investments
• BNP Paribas Asset Management
• Eastspring
• M&G Investments
• Neuberger Berman
• Woodford Investment Management