Financial Times Headquarters
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Event Date Wed Sep 26 BST (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Sep 26 12:00am - Wed Sep 26 12:00am
Location Financial Times Headquarters
One Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL, UK
Region EMEA

This exclusive briefing, hosted by the Financial Times in association with BAE Systems, will explore the threat landscape faced by financial services firms, and the role of digital in fueling financial crime.

Cyber security and financial crime have reached a crucial intersection. Organised cyber attacks are now seen as the #1 business vulnerability – and financial gain is the key motivation behind many of them. The international cyber offensive in 2016, which saw hackers attempt to steal nearly $1 billion from Bangladesh’s central bank, would have been the largest bank heist in history. The National Crime Agency estimates that more than £90bn of fraudulent money passes through the UK’s digital financial system every year, transferred remotely through thousands of different bank accounts. Digital is the new frontier in the fight against financial crime – and digital is where the battle will be won.

Banks, insurers and other financial services firms must go further than straightforward cyber compliance if they are to defend themselves against digitally-enabled theft, money laundering and fraud. What kind of support is on offer from regulators and law enforcers to protect them against financial crime? In the era of digital banking, where longstanding financial institutions are competing with increasingly niche fintech service providers, how can incumbents and challengers alike protect their customers, data and reputations, as well as monetary assets? And what role should new technology play in this industry-wide security effort?


2018 Speakers

Jennifer Calvery
Global Head, Financial Crime Threat Mitigation, HSBC

Steve Dalton
Head of Intelligence, Insurance Fraud Bureau

Jonathan Fisher
QC, Red Lion Chambers

Robert Hannigan
Special Adviser on Cyber Security, Hiscox

Zia Hayat
Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Callsign

Tom Keatinge
Director, Centre for Financial Crime & Security Studies, Royal United Services Institute for Defense and Security Studies

Victoria van Lennep
Co-Founder, Lendable


Joy Macknight
Deputy Editor, The Banker

Barney Thompson
Legal Correspondent, Financial Times

Sponsors & Partners

2018 Sponsors

• Bae Systems