Steigenberger Hotel
Steigenberger Hotel, 71 Avenue Louise / Louizalaan Brussels Belgium

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Event Date Thu Sep 7 BST (over 7 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Sep 7 12:00am - Thu Sep 7 12:00am
Location Steigenberger Hotel
71 Avenue Louise / Louizalaan Brussels Belgium
Region EMEA

The FT-EIB Global Investment Forum aims to shed further light on the specific role of investment in supporting sustainable innovation: who should invest in what, to remedy which market failures? How do we make innovation inclusive? Distinguished experts will discuss key aspects of the current debate – future habitats, disruptive innovation, the future of work, the digital divide and the future of education – by checking the facts, taking a closer look at global trends and proposing possible solutions.


Werner Hoyer
European Investment Bank

Ambroise Fayolle
European Investment Bank