Grange Tower Bridge
Grange Tower Bridge, 45 Prescot St London E1 8GP TUnited Kingdom

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Event Date Thu Jun 14 BST (over 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Thu Jun 14 12:00am - Thu Jun 14 12:00am
Location Grange Tower Bridge
45 Prescot St London E1 8GP TUnited Kingdom
Region EMEA

The FT Energy Transition Strategies Summit: Riding the Next Wave of Industry Transformation will explore the latest trends and issues impacting the global energy industry. Our stellar line-up of speakers from across the energy spectrum - oil and gas, power and renewable energy as well as financiers and investors - will trace the contours of the energy transition, and share insights into its impact and likely future direction.

Join us at this timely and authoritative platform to discuss the major trends transforming the global energy industry and the leading-edge strategies to adapt, thrive and prosper in the brave new world which is emerging.


Claudio Descalzi
CEO, Eni

Iain Conn
Group Chief Executive, Centrica

Brian Gilvary
Group Chief Financial Officer, BP

Mark Dummett
Researcher, Business & Human Rights, Amnesty International

Tony Hayward
Chairman, Glencore

Francesco Venturini
CEO, Enel

Philippe Kavafyan
CEO, MHI Vestas Offshore Wind

Tina Sejersgård Fanø
Executive Vice President, Agriculture & Bioenergy, Novozymes

Jeff Engler
Co-Founder, Wright Electric

Richard Lancaster
CEO, CLP Holdings

Alexander Landia
Chairman, The Mobility House

Marie-Marguerite Ndjeka Opombo
Ambassador, Embassy of the Democratic Republic of Congo, United Kingdom

Felix Lerch
UK Chairman, Uniper

John Zahurancik
Chief Operating Officer, Fluence

Hamish McPherson
CEO, Bioenergy Infrastructure Group (BIG)

Helle Kristoffersen
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Total

Nick Butler
Author-FT blog on energy and power Visiting Professor, King’s College London

Xavier Girre
Group Senior Executive Vice President, Group Finance, Edf Group

Jian Zhang
Founder CEO, GridX

Christoph Ostermann
Co-Founder and CEO, sonnen

Karl Bergman
Vice President R&D, Vattenfall

Jay Hambro
Chief Executive Officer-Energy & Mining, SIMEC Group

Steven Specker
CEO, TAE Technologies

Bryan Hansel
CEO, Chanje

Benedikt Sobotka
CEO, Eurasian Resources Group (ERG)

Nick Stansbury
Fund Manager, Legal & General Investment Management

Moe Hajabed
President, Commercial and Industrial, NRStror

Asif Rafique
Managing Director, Energy Storage, SUSI Partners Sustainable Energy

Philip Lambert
Chief Executive Officer, Lambert Energy Advisory

Kingsmill Bond
New Energy Strategist, Carbon Tracker

John Constable
Director of Policy and Research, Renewables Energy Foundation

Carly Magee
Partner, Foresight Group

Rob Saunders
Interim Challenge Director, Prospering from the Renewable Energy Revolution Programme
Industrial Strategy, Innovate UK

Alice Garton
Head of Climate, ClientEarth

Vicki Bakhshi
Director, BMO Global Asset Management (EMEA)

Joan MacNaughton
Chair of the Board, The Climate Group

Sigurd Enge
Manager, Shipping, Marine and Arctic Issues, Bellona

Chairs and Moderators:

Ed Crooks
US Industry and Energy Editor, Financial Times

Alan Livsey
Lex Writer, Financial Times

Sylvia Pfeifer
Energy Correspondent, Financial Times

Sponsors & Partners

Lead Sponsor:

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group

Associates Sponsors:


Carbon Tracker

Innovation Partner:

Innovate UK