Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel
Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel, Schlossallee 8, 1140 Vienna, Austria

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Event Date Thu Dec 1 CET - Fri Dec 2 CET (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Nov 30 6:00pm - Thu Dec 1 6:00pm
Location Radisson Blu Park Royal Palace Hotel
Schlossallee 8, 1140 Vienna, Austria
Region EMEA

This summit will bring together the most influential industry professionals to discuss main challenges, opportunities and threats of payment society.

Key professionals together with area experts will share their knowledge, experience and points of view on certain topics of interest. Are we ready for Cashless World? Lending can be a simple answer to make payments profitable. Money that knows what to do with itself. Future is digital, real-time payments is now or how are we adopting to technologies used in Crypto and include them for seamless Payments experience.


2022 Speakers

Curt Chadha
Head of Payments & Daily Banking, Raiffeisen Bank International AG

Deepak Johri
Ex Managing Director, Barclays International

Paula Mariani
Director Of User Experience, N26

Axel Van Genechten
Digital Currencies Expert, National Bank of Belgium

Jan Hailich
Head of Payments, Cards & ATMs, Czech Savings Bank

Jorge Gustavo de Azevedo Rodrigues
Senior Product Manager – Head of Payments, Pago NxT, Banco Santander

Levent Kazim Oguz
Senior Vice President, Digital and Open Banking, DenizBank

Ignacio de Loyola Gil Puertolas
Head of Product and Partnership, BBVA

George Mitris
Head of Digital Channels & Cards, Optima bank, Greece

Halis Köseoğlu
Fraud Prevention Director, Yapi Kredi, Turkey

Cristian Cengher
Product Owner Cross border Payments, Erste Group

Mario A Benedict
Global Head of APIs, Open Banking, Partnership and Integrations, J.P.Morgan Payments

Arianna Castroflorio
Head of Transactional Products, Intesa Sanpaolo

Manuela Sedvartaite
Innovation Manager | New Ventures | Open Platforms, Banco Santander

Raul Quintana Del Val
Product Innovation, BBVA

Peter Theunis
Head of Payments EMEA, Endava

Tom Bettelheim
Area Lead Payments Products, ING

Ashley Barnes
Country Head Switzerland | Global Payments Solutions, HSBC

Monika Truchlíková
Tribe Leader of Payment Methods Tribe, Commercial Bank

Sponsors & Partners

2022 Sponsor

IT Card, advanced payment technologies