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Event Date |
Thu Mar 21 -03 (9 months ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Mar 20 11:00pm - Wed Mar 20 11:00pm |
Location |
Luzeiros Hotel
Rua João Pereira Damasceno, 02, Ponta do Farol, São Luís, MA, 65077-630, Brazil |
Region | Americas |
This conference is part of a decentralized agenda that aims to promote strategic discussions more focused on initiatives and projects in certain states and municipalities, with emphasis on PPPs and concessions in the infrastructure, energy, transport, public lighting, solid waste and social infrastructure. The objectives are to generate feedback from sector players and granting authorities, discuss lessons learned in structuring and developing these projects and, above all, discover new business flows.
The event will bring together concessionaires, investors, infrastructure operators, public policy makers and regional leaders to discuss investment perspectives and opportunities, promoting the integration of the various players present in the northeastern states. The meeting aims to promote strategic discussions more focused on initiatives and projects related to water security, social infrastructure, ports, sanitation, urban mobility, solid waste, energy, among others. In the 2023 edition, the event brought together +100 high-level executives and authorities from the region, allowing for more in-depth discussions and exchange of experiences.
2024 Speakers
Raquel Lyra
Governor, Government of the State of Pernambuco
Alex Sandro
Secretary of Ports and Waterway Transport, Ministry of Ports and Airports, Avila
Andre Magalhaes
Commercial Director, Pecem Complex
Antonio Gobbo
Daniel Nobrega
Director, Aterpa Group
Eduardo Nery
General Director, Antaq
Gilberto Lins
President, Maranhao Port Administration Company - EMAP
Guilherme Cavalcanti
Secretary of Economic Development, Pernambuco Economic Development Secretariat
Guilherme Esmanhoto
Partner, ALG Brazil
Marcio Guiot
CEO, SUAPE - Port Industrial Complex
Paulo Cintra
Managing Director, TUV Rheinland
Blessed Gurgel
Director, Garin Infrastructure
Almir Cirilo
Secretary of State for Water Resources and Sanitation, Government of the State of Pernambuco
Cintia Leal Marinho de Araujo
Superintendent of Basic Sanitation Regulation, ANA
Deusdete Queiroga
Fiho Secretary of Infrastructure, Water Resources and Environment, Government of the State of Paraiba
Eduardo Tavares
National Secretary of Funds and Financial Instrument, Ministry of Integration and Development Regional
Luiz Peixoto
CEO, CASAL-Alagoas Sanitation Company
Marcus Vinicius Neves
Alexandre Pessatte
Filho, Executive Secretary for Strategic Partnership, Recife City Hall
Ian Guerriero
Superintendent, BNDES
Joao Henrique Campos
Mayor, Recife City Hall
Ruz Gonzales
CEO, It's a bra
Eduardo Tavares
National Secretary of Funds and Financial Instruments, Ministry of Integration and Development Regional
Guilherme Meira
Senior Investment Officer, Proparco
Joao Carneiro
Head of Infrastructure, IFC
Roberto Soares
CEO, CAF - Development Bank of Latin America
Thays Simoes
Director of Sales & Client Management, WTW
2023 Partners
• Accenture
• Global Talent
• INFRM & Capital Projects
• Trench Rossi Watanabe
• Fitch Ratings
• Marsh
• Suape
• Codeba
• Grupo Aguas do Brasil
• Cescoin Barrieu Advogados
• Concremat
• Codeba
• tpf engenharia