The Donald E. Armstrong Building
The Donald E. Armstrong Building, 3420 Rue McTavish, Montréal, QC H3A 0E2, Canada

What is Qwoted?

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Event Date Fri Sep 29 EDT
Location The Donald E. Armstrong Building
3420 Rue McTavish, Montréal, QC H3A 0E2, Canada
Region Americas

This conference aims to bring together thought leaders and decision-makers from academia, public policy circles, and the business world, with the goal to promote thought exchange, dialogue, and the exploration of solutions to global challenges in finance and economics. For this year, Professor Christine Parlour, Sylvan C. Coleman Chair of Finance and Accounting at Berkeley Haas, is confirmed as a Keynote speaker. Watch this page for updates as GIC is building an exciting one-day program that includes additional speakers from academia, the policy/regulatory environment, as well as the business community.


2023 Speakers

Christine A. Parlour
Sylvan C. Coleman Chair of Finance and Accounting, Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley

Mohamad Al-Bustami
Managing Director, Digital Innovation Hub, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions

Anthony Bassili
Head of Asset Allocators, Coinbase

Yolande E. Chan, Ph.D.
Dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University

Franca Ciambella
Desautels International Advisory and Advancement Board; CEO-Riau (Canada) Inc. and Lawyer/Advisor, Global Law Alliance

Ananya Kumar
Ananya Kumar, Associate Director, Digital Currencies

Karen Mills
Senior Fellow, Harvard Business School

Marina Moretti
Deputy director, Monetary and Capital Markets Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF)

David Schumacher, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Finance, Desautels Faculty Scholar, Director, Desmarais Global Finance Research Center, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University

Kathleen Stephansen
GIC Chair Emerita, Senior Economist for Haver Analytics and Trustee of EQAT Trust Funds

Katrin Tinn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Finance, McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management

Pascale Toupin
Director, Supervision of Intermediaries, Autorité des marchés financiers

Sponsors & Partners

2023 Partners

• McGill
• American Technion Society
• Cygnus
• Quill Intelligence
• Cumberland Advisors
• McVean
• Ariel Univesity
• Wisdom Tree
• Strategas
• Lebow College of Business
• Crossing Bridge
• Asset Management One
• CFA Society Philadelpia
• Villanova University
• Risk Bridge
• Bronze Buffalo Club
• Yeshiva University
• Great Valent Advisor Group