Gustav Mahlerplein 3
Gustav Mahlerplein 3, 1082 MS Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Event Date Thu Mar 7 CET (about 6 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Thu Mar 7 2:00am - Thu Mar 7 11:00am
Location Gustav Mahlerplein 3
1082 MS Amsterdam, Netherlands
Region EMEA

The Asset Management and Investors Council (AMIC) is the independent voice of the buy-side within ICMA.

In this rapidly changing regulatory environment, as asset managers and institutional investors assume an increasingly important role in financial markets and as the activities of sell-side and the buy-side become blurred, the Asset Management and Investors Council is an essential forum for a cross-section of the industry to consider these and other pressing issues.

The March AMIC conference is open to all on the buy-side and will an opportunity to hear directly from the international investment community about the challenges they are facing. The conference will feature a discussion on the Pan-European personal pension product (PEPP), the future of sustainable finance in an evolving regulatory landscape and systemic risk in asset management.


2019 Speakers

Martin Scheck
Chief Executive, ICMA

Robert Parker
Chairman of AMIC

Patrik Karlsson
Director, ICMA