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Event Date |
Thu Oct 12 CAT (about 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EST): Wed Oct 11 6:00pm - Wed Oct 11 6:00pm |
Location |
Design Offices Munich Highlight Towers
Mies-van-der-Rohe-Straße 6, 80807 München, Germany |
Region | EMEA |
Connecting for Business Success: DevSecFinOps - The New World of Collaboration
In the current economic environment, value is driven by the need to drive business innovation while optimizing resource allocation in development and IT operations. The digital demands on businesses and organizations continue to grow across industries, resulting in ever-growing business-driven requests ranging from small changes to large-scale modernization of critical, custom-developed applications.
In order to continue to be able to compete successfully, they must therefore enable their corporate IT to increase speed and productivity. And why? Because digital market leaders release a new product version five times faster than their competitors, on average, and their ambitions to further reduce software release times do not falter.
Since DevOps is based on the concept of learning, will laggards ever catch up with the leaders? Transforming the business requires a different approach where technology meets speed and economy; in this world, DevSecOps, FinOps and Cloud Governance act as the levers for scaling, growth and innovation.
What to Expect?
The content is based on our extensive market research and analysis in this area.
Whether you're a CIO, developer, application owner, business analyst, platform owner, or on the cloud team, you need to ensure software supports business growth, competitiveness, and operational efficiencies. This means creating a culture that brings IT, finance and business more together and enables an iterative and agile foundation for continuous innovation for the benefit of the business.
2023 Speakers
Anja Lange
Freelance Presenter, Lange Moderation
Jennifer Thompson
Associate Vice President, Services, AccAD and Cloud, European Region, IDC