DI - Danish Industry
DI - Danish Industry, H. C. Andersens Blvd. 18, 1787 København V, Denmark

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Event Date Tue Sep 17 CEST (over 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Tue Sep 17 2:30am - Tue Sep 17 10:00am
Location DI - Danish Industry
H. C. Andersens Blvd. 18, 1787 København V, Denmark
Region EMEA

2019 will be another intense year on the IT security front. A number of separate incidents have together raised doubts about both the effectiveness of tried and tested methods, what really helps and who can help. We invite you to the IDC Security Conference to follow the developments and shed light on the latest actions you can take to ensure that you, as an IT security officer, can be at the forefront and provide business security - on business terms.

This is uphill as we see the IT infrastructure moving to Cloud, the increasingly mobile workforce is demanding, as well as other factors originating from the third platform technologies.

The increased complexity reveals weaknesses used in attacks with surprising effectiveness. Although the attacks have increased interest and awareness of the need to modernize security, there are many items on the agenda of the IT Security Manager this year, besides "just" being updated to deal with the current threat level:

• More complex infrastructure
• New EU regulatory requirements
• Increased compliance requirements
• Budget challenges
• Lack of security talents

IDC's IT Security 2019 brings you to the forefront of the latest trends and gives you guidance on the critical factors you need to include in your strategic planning with the business. You will be provided with resource allocation tools in reducing the vulnerability of the organization, ensuring uptime and protecting privacy.


2019 Speakers

Adenike Cosgrove
Cybersecurity Strategy, International, Proofpoint

Dominic Trott
Research Director, IT Security - Europe, IDC

Peter Lind Nielsen
Senioradvokat, Bech-Bruun

Morten Pors Simonsen
Head of IT Security & Cross Functions, Danfoss

Charlotte Poulsen
Vice President, IDC

Christian Petersen
Sales Engineer, Check Point

Arnfinn Strand
Cloud Security Engineer Europe, Check Point Software Technologies

Sarah Aalborg
Information Security Risk Manager, Novozymes

Pedro Martins
Information Security Consultant, LastPass by LogMeIn

Staffan Truvé
CTO / Co-Founder, Recorded Future

Anthony James
VP Product Marketing, Infoblox


Birger Skjødt

Christian Leth
Sikkerhedkonsulent, Tryg

Christian Wernberg
Director, Deloitte

Hanne Damsholt
Kontorchef - Informationssikkerhed

Jacob Zwicki
CSO, Huawei

Jan Dalsgaard
CISO/ DPO , Dovista

Karen Kjeldsen
Security Manager, Stark Group

Lilian Baunbæk
CISO, IT-Universitetet

Nick Lyngaa
CISO, Telia

Peter Elkjær
IT-Consultant, Forsvaret

Peter Lind Nielsen
Partner, Bech Bruun

Sebastian Mabillon
Senior IT Security Advisor, Novo Nordisk

Søren Hvidager
Expert Operational Risk Officer, Nordea

Thomas Huge
Enterprise Risk Manager, ERM

Toke Sander
Head of IT Security, Pandora

Torben Olsen
CISO, Lundbeck

Torkil Pedersen
IT Project Manager , MAN Energy Solutions

Uffe Brühl
IT Security Consultant, Topdanmark

Winnie Wincents
Data Privacy Specialist, ATP

Sponsors & Partners

2019 Partners

• Infoblox
• Check Point
• LastPass
• Recorded Future

• Proofpoint
• Cybereason

• iboss

• Guardsquare
• Illumio