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Event Date |
Mon Nov 7 PST - Fri Nov 11 PST (over 2 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Mon Nov 7 3:00am - Fri Nov 11 3:00am |
Location | Online via Zoom |
Region | Americas |
Are you passionate or perplexed by Blockchain and its many applications and variations? Are you ready to ride the wave of Blockchain innovation and entrepreneurship, or afraid of missing the boat?
When you join the LinkedIn Group you’ll connect with thought leaders in the upcoming series of GET Events created to explore a range of Global Emerging Technologies related to Blockchain & Beyond!
2022 Speakers
Dr. Scott Stornetta
Partner & Chief Scientist, Yugen Partners
Hunter Albright
Fractional Executive/Advisor and Coach, Work the Edge
Ramon Alcarria
Deputy Director of External Relations of the ETSI of Topography, Geodesy and Cartography, Polytechnic University of Madrid
Dr. Alessio Pagani
PostDoc, University of Bath & nChain, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Gil Alterovitz
Director of National Artificial Intelligence Institute, US Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Semih Aslan
Associate Professor, Texas State University
Ana Badour
Partner, McCarthy Tetrault LLP
Marvin Bantugan
CTO, Zventus Blockchain Solutions
Daniela Barbosa
Executive Director, The Hyperledger Foundation
Fawzi Behmann
President, TelNet Management Consulting, Inc.
Tim Beiko
Protocol Support Protocol Support, Ethereum Foundation
Rafael Belchior
Visiting Researcher, MIT
Borja Bordel Sánchez
Professor, Polytechnic University of Madrid
Mic Bowman
Senior Principal Engineer, Intel Corp
Davor Bošnjak
Head of Intraday Trading, HEP Trade Ltd.
Arnaud Braud
Research EngineerResearch Engineer, Orange Labs
Umit Cali
Associate Professor/Cofounder, Norwegian University of Science and Technology/EnergyXchain LLC
Juan Carlos Oviedo Cepeda
Senior Researcher, Hydro Quebec
Mark Dangelo
Professor/Head of Digital Transformation, xLab/Case Western University, 2nd Gen Partners
Gora Datta
Founder & CEO, CAL2CAL Corporation
Ashutosh Dutta
Senior Scientist/Chief 5G Strategist/Lawrence R. Hafstad Sabbatical Fellow/Professor, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
David E Gonzalez
Dr. Ed Hamond
Chair Emeritus, Duke Clinical & Translational Science Institute
Joanna F. DeFranco, Ph.D
Assoc. Professor, Pennsylvania State University
Angelo Ferraro
Professor (Electrical Engineering Department), University of South Carolina
Katherine Foster
Executive Director, Green Digital Finance Alliance
Jane Frankland
CEO, KnewStart
Animesh Ghosh
CEO, Kornchain Limited
Nicolae Goga
Professor Dr. Ing, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Chris Gorog
CEO, Blockframe Inc.
Courtnay Guimaraes
Director-Digital Enterprise Practice/Chief Scientist Meta Economy & Emerging Technologies, avanade
Akram Hakiri
Graduate Scientist and Researcher, Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University
Sin-Kuen Hawkins
Program Director, IEEE
James Hendrick
Managing Director, Zventus Blockchain Solutions
Joyce Hunter
Deputy CIO - Policy and Planning, US Department of Agriculture
Sevada Isayan
Consultant, Technology and Engineering Consulting
Mr. Ismael Mattos A. Ávila
Researcher, CPQD Research and Development Center
Anandi Iyer
Marketing Manager, Industry Avenue Canada
Dr. Jack Owen Davies
PostDoc, University of Bath & nChain
Usha Jagannathan
Principal Engineer & Digital Innovation Leader, McKinsey & Company
Anthony James
Senior Engineer and Data Scientist, Southern California Edison (SCE)
DeFranco, Joanna F.
Associate Professor of Software Engineering, Penn State University
Brian Joseph Hagerty
Founder & CEO, P3 Innovation Center for People, Planet and Prosperity
Vishal Kapoor
Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer, Chia Network
Sarah Kate Thomas
Senior Information Security Trainer, The New York Times
Ankit Kedia
Head of Sales, Momentive.ai (Maker of SurveyMonkey)
Srdjan Krco
Co-Founder & CEO, DunavNET
Nir Kshetri
Professor, University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Rick Kuhn
Computer Scientist, NIST USA
Latif Ladid
Founder & President, IPv6 Forum
Claudio Lima
Chair, IEEE Blockchain Standards Energy WG/Blockchain Engineering Council (BEC)
Mei Lin Fung
Chair of the People Centered Internet, People Centered Internet
Orlando Lopez
Avatar, NIH
Narendra Mangra
Wireless Mobility Advisor & Consultant, Globenet LLC
Hart Montgomery
CTO, The Hyperledger Foundation
Kamlesh Nagware
CTO, Snapper Future Tech
Nick Napp
CEO, Xmark Labs LLC
Stephan Nilsson
Founder/CEO/Blockchain Evangelist & Implementer, UNISOT AS
Alex Norta
Researcher/Owner and CEO, Tallinn University Dymaxion OU
Subhash Paluru
Chief Executive Officer, Freedom Motors, Inc.
Lauren Prehoda
Road Charge Program Manager, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Farrokh Rahimi
Executive VP, Open Access Technology International, Inc. (OATI)
Ramesh Ramadoss
President, New Caribbean Ventures LLC
Venkatraman Ramakrishna
Researcher, IBM
Michael Ramalho
FWCS IEEE Blockchain Community Lead, IEEE Florida West Coast Section
Sreedhar Rao
IEEE Digital Privacy Initiative
Bharat S. Rawal
Full Professor (Cybersecurity), Benedict College
Shammya Saha
Scientist II, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
Michael Scherman
Partner, McCarthy Tétrault
Todd Schwartzrock
Dr. Scott Stornetta
Partner & Chief Scientist, Yugen Partners
Vikram Sharma
Practice Lead & Solutions Architect, HCLTech
Tamara Singh
Board Member, People Centered Internet
Marla Sofer
VP, Head of Strategic Partnerships, Carta
Dr. Tapas Nayak
Andrew Tein
Customer Success Leader/Workforce Development, Coursera
Van Ton-Quinlivan
CEO, Futuro Health
Patrick Uribe
Chief Executive Officer, Util
Alma Valenzuela
Marketing, Zventus Blockchain Solutions
Owen Vaughan
Director, Research nChain, UK
Mohan Venkataraman
CTO, Chainyard
Kurt Wedgwood
America's Blockchain Market Leader, IBM
Hon Weng Chong
Founder/CEO, Cortical Labs
Gary Whitsett, CISSP
President, PhilosBDL
Dr. Yu Yuan
President-Elect, IEEE Standards Association
Frederic de Vaulx
Vice President, Prometheus Computing LLC
Almero de Villiers
PhD Researcher, University College Dublin