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Event Date |
Wed Sep 18 CEST (over 5 years ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Sep 18 2:30am - Wed Sep 18 11:00am |
Location |
Bonnier Ventures
Atlasmuren 1, 113 21 Stockholm, Sweden |
Region | EMEA |
Sweden's only independent conference on financial reporting and consolidated accounts. Here you get all the relevant news about the IFRS standard and other issues that are important for the modern group reporting function.
During the afternoon, you choose between different in-depth sessions and create the agenda that is right and relevant to you and your company. Welcome to the IFRS Symposium Conference for you who is responsible for the company's financial reporting.
Share Experiences With Colleagues
The conference gives you all the relevant news within the IFRS standard and addresses interesting issues for the modern group reporting function. In addition, IFRS Symposium is a unique opportunity to meet and share experiences with a large number of colleagues from companies in similar situations.
In recent years, the IFRS Symposium has attracted approximately 150 consolidated accounts managers, financial controllers, CFOs and accounting specialists from companies, such as: Atlas Copco, AssaAbloy, BillerudKorsnäs, Electrolux, Ericsson, Essity, Getinge, Hexagon, Holmen, Hufvudstaden, Husqvarna , ICA, Investor, JM, MTG, NCC, Nordea, Peab, Saab, Sandvik, SEB, Securitas, Skanska, SKF, Telia, Trelleborg, Volvo and many more.
Dinner the Night Before at the Gondola
A pleasant tradition is the common dinner the night before the conference. Here, speakers and delegates meet for upsizing and exchanging experiences for the conference.
The dinner is not included in the price of the conference. The prize is subsidized to allow as many people as possible to participate. You are very welcome! Note that the number of envelopes is limited.
Arranged by 1company.se
1company.se creates and disseminates knowledge about financial reporting, governance, accounting and analysis.
1company.se is a network, a digital forum and a think tank for and with people who want to develop in these areas. Many in the network are business controller, financial controller, accounting manager or CFO.
We disseminate knowledge through our annual conferences - IFRS Symposium and Business Management 2.0 - webinars, trainings and tailor-made meetings. Different kinds of meetings where knowledgeable people come into contact with each other.
2019 Speakers
Nick Anderson
Board member, IASB (International Accounting Standards Board)
Björn Andersson
Group Financial Controller, Nordic Entertainment Group
Göran Arnell
Partner and Accounting Specialist, KPMG
Nicolaus Diederichsen
Magnus Dyrendahl
Senior Group Financial Advisor, Sandvik
Saul Erkheikki
Carina Edlund
Partner, KPMG
Fredrik Ericsson
Director and Accounting Specialist, KPMG
Markus Hellman
Martin Holm
Principal Consultant, Inlumi
Jonas Höijer
Founding Partner, Cavendi Management Consulting
Åsa Johansson
CEO, Axfood
Peter Malmqvist
Head of Analysis, Nordet Bank
Ulla Moberg
Head of Group Reporting and Consolidation, Sandvik
Fred Nieto
Investment Education Manager, IASB
Linnea Olsson
Manager IFRS & Accounting, Ericsson
Henrik Sundström
VP Sustainability Affairs, Electrolux
Fredrik Walmeus
Partner and Accounting Specialist, Deloitte
Tobias Wastensson
Vice President Group Finance, Scandi Standard
2019 Sponsors
• addedo
• Advectas
• Blackline
• Cavendi
• Inlumi
• Tiego
• Wolter Kluwer
• One Stream
• Spraulding Ridge
• Sandvick
• Aktiespararna
• Axfood
• Deloitte
• Electrolux
• Ericsson
• Nent
• Sandvick
• Scandi Standard
• Svenskt Naringsliv
• ICompany