The Oceanaire Seafood Room
The Oceanaire Seafood Room, 5061 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77056, USA

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Event Date Wed Jul 26 CDT (over 1 year ago)
In your timezone (EDT): Wed Jul 26 1:00am - Wed Jul 26 1:00am
Location The Oceanaire Seafood Room
5061 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77056, USA
Region Americas

As global economic concerns grow in 2023, cybersecurity teams find themselves in a bind: Budgetary and human resources are constrained, but adversaries and threats are not. In fact, the threats are only growing exponentially each year.

How do organizations reduce costs when security challenges are growing at an historic pace? Are legacy tools and relationships adequate to address current threats? How do security teams find and retain talent necessary to improve incident detection and response?

Discussion Points:

• Growing threats, tighter budgets
• The costs to maintain – and staff – a modern SOC
• How security teams can improve detection and response – without adding headcount


2023 Speakers


Tom Field
SVP, Editorial, ISMG


David Stoicescu
CISO, Deepwatch

Christopher Rodriguez
Security Advisor , Splunk